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Brand Strategist

Dominion Care
A behavioral health care agency offers several lines of care for kids with autism and developmental disorders. Our careers page should display videos showing our facilities and directors so that potential applicants may better understand what we do.
Social Media

Instagram, Tiktok

In the wake of student suicides, get more students to use UVA's mental health hotline.
helplineuva @uva_yikyak is great for venting stress or depressed feelings to other uva students.
But @helplineuva is a better way to confide to trained, nonjudgmental, and confidential student volunteers—who are also in this same boat with you.
We’re here to listen, we’re here to relate, and we’re here to help—or connect you to someone who can.
Call us at (434) 924-8255. Our support lines are open 24/7.
Promote releases of securitized fine wine and whisky collections.

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